prosim Vas kto by bol taky ochotny a pomohol mi s prekladom clanku do AJ?
Meggi 1
prosim Vas kto by bol taky ochotny a pomohol mi s prekladom clanku do AJ?
Katka, veď to sem prilep, o čo ide, koľko toho je. Takto Ti nevieme pomôcť, keď to tu nie je ;):)
poprosim o kkontrolu:
Condition for the effective functioning of organizations is the adoption of modern management.
Organizations with good management, particularly senior and middle, to prosper.
Executives need information. Information is an essential source of information governance.
However, that data as useful information, they should be systematically load the Assembly section, section holds analyze the intermediary section and section.
The term " Information Systems management "is an expression of such a systematic approach.
Object of the present Article is to explain the nature of Information conditioning systems, definition of its components, definition of requirements to be a sp LN section effective Information,system and the process design and process of creating an effective system of Information organization.
poprosim o kkontrolu:
Condition for the effective functioning of organizations is the adoption of modern management.
Organizations with good management, particularly senior and middle, to prosper.
Executives need information. Information is an essential source of information governance.
However, that data as useful information, they should be systematically load the Assembly section, section holds analyze the intermediary section and section.
The term " Information Systems management "is an expression of such a systematic approach.
Object of the present Article is to explain the nature of Information conditioning systems, definition of its components, definition of requirements to be a sp LN section effective Information,system and the process design and process of creating an effective system of Information organization.

Mozes dat prosim aj slovensku verziu? Su niektore vety z toho nazvy? Kde su sa mi zda ze vypadava sloveso, obcas nejaka predlozka...

daj prosim aj slovensku cast
Podmienkou efektívneho fungovania organizácií je osvojenie si moderného manažmentu.
Organizácie s dobrým manažmentom, predovšetkým vrcholovým a stredným, prosperujú.
Vedúci pracovníci potrebujú informácie. Informácie sú základným zdrojom informácií
o riadení. Avšak aby údaje boli ako informácie užitočné, je potrebné ich systematicky
zhromažďovať, uschovávať, analyzovať a sprostredkovať. Pojem „informačné systémy
riadenia“ je vyjadrením takéhoto systematického prístupu.
Predmetom predkladaného článku je vysvetlenie podstaty informačných systémov,
definovanie jeho zložiek, definovanie požiadaviek, ktoré musí spĺňať efektívny informačný
systém a samotný proces návrhu a postupu vytvorenia efektívneho informačného systému
Podmienkou efektívneho fungovania organizácií je osvojenie si moderného manažmentu.
Organizácie s dobrým manažmentom, predovšetkým vrcholovým a stredným, prosperujú.
Vedúci pracovníci potrebujú informácie. Informácie sú základným zdrojom informácií
o riadení. Avšak aby údaje boli ako informácie užitočné, je potrebné ich systematicky
zhromažďovať, uschovávať, analyzovať a sprostredkovať. Pojem „informačné systémy
riadenia“ je vyjadrením takéhoto systematického prístupu.
Predmetom predkladaného článku je vysvetlenie podstaty informačných systémov,
definovanie jeho zložiek, definovanie požiadaviek, ktoré musí spĺňať efektívny informačný
systém a samotný proces návrhu a postupu vytvorenia efektívneho informačného systému

Moje subjektívne návhry/postrehy:

Condition for the effective functioning of organizations is the adoption of modern management.
Organizations with good management, particularly senior and middle, to prosper.
Executives need information. Information is an essential source of information governance.

However, that data as useful information, they should be systematically load the Assembly section, section holds analyze the intermediary section and section. need to be systematically collected, held, analyzed and mediate.
The term „Information Management System "is an expression of such a systematic approach.

Object of the presented/introduced article is to explain the nature of Information system, definition of its components, definition of requirements
to be a sp LN section effective Information, system and the process design and process of creating an effective system of Information organization. which must be fulfilled by effective information system and the application process and to explain technique of effective company information system generation.
Meggi 1
Podmienkou efektívneho fungovania organizácií je osvojenie si moderného manažmentu.
Organizácie s dobrým manažmentom, predovšetkým vrcholovým a stredným, prosperujú.
Vedúci pracovníci potrebujú informácie. Informácie sú základným zdrojom informácií
o riadení. Avšak aby údaje boli ako informácie užitočné, je potrebné ich systematicky
zhromažďovať, uschovávať, analyzovať a sprostredkovať. Pojem „informačné systémy
riadenia“ je vyjadrením takéhoto systematického prístupu.
Predmetom predkladaného článku je vysvetlenie podstaty informačných systémov,
definovanie jeho zložiek, definovanie požiadaviek, ktoré musí spĺňať efektívny informačný
systém a samotný proces návrhu a postupu vytvorenia efektívneho informačného systému

Moje subjektívne návhry/postrehy:

Condition for the effective functioning of organizations is the adoption of modern management.
Organizations with good management, particularly senior and middle, to prosper. - can prosper
Executives need some information. Information is an essential source of information governance. - information about the governance.

However, that data as useful information, they should be systematically load the Assembly section, section holds analyze the intermediary section and section. need to be systematically collected, held, analyzed and mediate. However, to have the data, as a kind of information, useful, they need to be systematically gathered, stored, analysed and mediated.
The term „Information Management System "is an expression of such a systematic approach.

Object of the presented/introduced (nechala by som presented) article is to explain the nature of Information systems, definition of its their components, definition of requirements
to be a sp LN section effective Information, system and the process design and process of creating an effective system of Information organization. which must be fulfilled by an effective information system and the application process and as well as to explain the technique of an effective company information system generation.

zk24, dobrá práca, len malé kozmetické úpravy: modrým v texte ...
prosim Vas o preklad dalsej casti:
Podstata informačných systémov
Pojem informačný systém možno chápať v dvojakom význame. V užšom zmysle sa jedná
o označenie systému programov pre prácu s údajmi a v širšom zmysle pojem informačný
systém je systém na zabezpečovanie informácií potrebných pre riadenie.
V prvom prípade hlavnou úlohou systému je spracovanie údajov, ktoré v organizácii vznikli,
pričom daný systém nerieši otázky pre koho a na aké rozhodnutia budú tieto údaje slúžiť,
z tohto je možné teda usúdiť, že systém spracovania údajov je len jeden z podsystémov
informačného systému. V druhom prípade ide nielen o spracovanie údajov, ale aj
o zhromažďovanie, prenos, uchovávanie, výber a distribúciu údajov pre potreby riadiaceho
subjektu. Informačný systém teda nie je možné stotožňovať len so systémom spracovania
Je to systém pozostávajúci z ľudí, technických a programových prostriedkov na zabezpečenie
zhromažďovania, prenosu, ukladania, výberu, spracovania, distribúcie a prezentácie
informácií pre potrebu rozhodovania tak, aby riadiaci pracovníci mohli vykonávať svoje
riadiace funkcie vo všetkých zložkách riadiaceho systému. Jeho základnou úlohou je
zabezpečiť dostatok relevantných, správnych a presných informácií v potrebných termínoch
a v požadovanej forme na prípravu rozhodnutí.
nikto mi nepomoze s prekladom?alebo mam poslat co mam a skontroluje mi to niekto?
mam poslat co mam a skontroluje mi to niekto?

Uhm:) To je vzdy menej roboty ako to prekladat komplet.
No concept of Informa NAL system can be understood in the dual sense. In a narrower sense it is labeling of the Membership of the programs to work with data and broader concept Information system is a system to ensure ed No information for management.

In the first case the main task of data processing, which arose in the organization, on the system does not address the question of who and what decisions will the data is this is possible, therefore, considers section, the data processing system is just one of the subsystems Information system.
In the latter case, not only for data processing, but also
Assembly on extraction, transport, storage, collection and distribution of data for the management entity. Information system is thus not possible to load day section with only the processing system data.

It is a system composed from people, hardware and software to ensure Membership gathering, transmission, storage, collection, processing, distribution and presentation information for the need for decision-making to managers to carry out their section management functions in all components of the control system. Its main task is to section and ensure enough relevant, accurate information is required in terms in the required form for the preparation of decisions.

Information System Components

Information system consists of these basic components:

subsystem assembled collection of data,

subsystem data transfer

subsystem remembering and storing data

subsystem of data collection,

data processing subsystem;

subsystem presentation and distribution of information.
Ma tam byt ze kazdy ci ziaden koncept nemozno chapat v dvojakom zmysle? Po slovensky hovoris "Pojem informačný systém možno chápať v dvojakom význame" ale v anglickom mas ze "no concept can be understood..."...
Meggi 1
No concept of Informa NAL system can be understood in the dual sense. The term Information system can be understood in dual sense. In a narrower sense it deals with indication of a system of programmes is labeling of the Membership of the programs to work with data and in a broader concept the Information system is a system to ensure ed No provide information necessary for management.

In the first case, the main task of is data processing, which arose in the organization, on however, the system does not address deal with the question of who for and for what decisions will the data is this is possible serve. Therefore, considers section it is possible to conclude that the data processing system is just one of the subsystems of the Information system.
In the latter case, not only for not only data processing is concerned, but also gathering, transfer, storage, choice and distribution of data for the needs of a management subject.
Assembly on extraction, transport, storage, collection and distribution of data for the management entity. Information system is thus not possible to load day section with identify only with only the system of processing system data.

It is a system composed from of people, hardware and software equipment to ensure Membership provide gathering, transmission transfer, storage, collection choice, processing, distribution and presentation of information for the needs for of decision-making to to make managers to carry out their section management functions in all components of the control system. Its main task is to section and ensure provide with sufficient relevant and accurate information is in required in terms and in the required form for the preparation of decisions.

Information System Components

Information system consists of these basic components:

subsystem assembled collection of data,

subsystem data transfer

subsystem remembering and storing data

subsystem of data collection,

data processing subsystem;

subsystem presentation and distribution of information.

Opravené to máš, Katka, modrým v texte...dúfam, že sa v tom vyznáš :)
Meggi 1
Katka1010, včera som ti ten text skorigovala, nemala si niektoré veci dobre preložené. Asi si to dávala do prekladača G, však? Niektoré vety nedávali zmysel. Dnes si bola na Porade prihlásená, kukla si aj sem? Poslúžil ti tento preklad? Chýba mi odozva ... ;):)
ahoj meggi.dakujem za preklad.prosim ta mohla by si mi skontrolovat cely text?neviem to sem prilepit, ak by si mala cas, posli mi mail cez SS..vopred dakujem velmi pekne
Meggi 1
ahoj meggi.dakujem za preklad.prosim ta mohla by si mi skontrolovat cely text?neviem to sem prilepit, ak by si mala cas, posli mi mail cez SS..vopred dakujem velmi pekne
Katka1010, prepáč, teraz mi nevyjde na to čas. Veď urob tak, ako si začala, po kúskoch, a pri troške šťastia sa snáď nájde niekto, kto ti to preloží...
ahoj meggi.dakujem za preklad.prosim ta mohla by si mi skontrolovat cely text?neviem to sem prilepit, ak by si mala cas, posli mi mail cez SS..vopred dakujem velmi pekne

Aky text?
Meggi 1
Aky text?
Ja to chápem tak, že tým textom myslí zadávateľka celý článok, o ktorom píše hneď v prvom príspevku....
Ja to chápem tak, že tým textom myslí zadávateľka celý článok, o ktorom píše hneď v prvom príspevku....

Kedze si pyta tvoj mail cez SS, predpokladala som, ze ti chce nieco poslat mailom na preklad...

No a predchadzajuci text je uz prelozeny, nie? Ci zas spatne do slovenciny? :D Just a joke.
Meggi 1
Kedze si pyta tvoj mail cez SS, predpokladala som, ze ti chce nieco poslat mailom na preklad...

No a predchadzajuci text je uz prelozeny, nie? Ci zas spatne do slovenciny? :D Just a joke.
Určite chce preklad. Píše o celom texte - na základe toho som vydedukovala, že tie dva predošlé texty boli len časťou celého článku, ktorý chce mať preložený. A píše, že to nevie sem priložiť, tak predpokladám že ide o obsiahlejší text. No a na taký nemám čas, preto som písala vyššie, že nech to po častiach sem prikladá.
poprosim o kontrolu:
Subsystem assembly collection of data involves gathering and the collection of data using out distinction facilities and equipment and recording on the memory storage media section and check the correctness data.
Subsystem data transfer is a physical or electronic transfer record data storage space or processing.
Subsystem memory and data storage security recall and retention, have entered the system and will be processed section. This process should address section so that given the choice of the data to further processing.
Data processing security subsytem funktion processing complains received the destination processing. Data processing includes updating of data, aggregation and calculation, that section should be done to achieve the desired result. The result of data processing are foreground.
Subsytem presentation and distribution of security presenting information in a form suitable and their distribution in the leading positions in treated terminals.

Requirements for effective information management system

Information systems need a number of requirement that reflect their quality.
These include:
· Information must correspond substantially to the various degrees management
· Frequency and speed of information acquistion must allow effective use in deciding
· Channels of information transmission must customize it organizational structure requirements take the shortest path between sender and recipient
· For the transmission of information must be communicative and personalized options their understanding of the stakeholders
· Information system must meet integration function, connects all services and security to load feedback
· Information system must be able to sufficiently them to adapt to changing conditions in the internal and external environment of the organization

To information system could fulfill its mission and objectives of the scoping shall should ensure of website:
- personnel – skilled workers
- technical – calculation and other equipment
- program – software
- organizational – to measure the practical use of information system

Proposal information system

When designing an effective information management system, it is necessary to have an information for each material component „system“. In this case the system of the organization. Each system has three basic components. Inputs, conversion process and outputs, as shown the following picture number 1:

In the process of designing information system need also realize that some systems are deterministic, meaning that its components operate under predictable out or define the relationship, as one watch. Problems in such a deterministic system can be relatively easily diagnosed. However, the majority of most systems in which it operates human factor, it is harder to describe and the problem is harder to define. These complex systems are called stochastic and are subject to relatively large fluctuations in while the quantity and quality of their performance. All organizations on human factor are stochastic in nature.
Ideally, the model system should be samoregulary, with built – in methodology performance monitoring and feedback of notifying the results of that could be made, should be changed – not as the thermostat that automatically turns on the furnace when the temperature falls below degree day. That the organization has a stochastic nature, design samoregulation management system is a very difficult task.
To be in her address to get further, in each component of the system, install sensors:the entry into the conversion process, as well as output. These sensors of data – indicators which record the course of events and allows the results with the same standard output.
The input data is necessary to collect continuous in order monitor the demand, as well as resources used in providing services. Operating procedures should be continually monitored section because of receiving an information on exemptions during your mistakes and defects in the functioning of the system.
Output information on the quantity and quality of services is essential to bring the section relevant processes. Moreover, there is an urgent need to monitor the external environment organization – information such as demographic characteristics of the population, which organization provides its services, offered by other organizations – competition, whether recent changes in the ribs community values. These data indicators provide managers the key for that section may be helpful to study the situation and the implementation of remedies.
To make the true information management system is likely failure to the destination. It is possible, however, try to designed system with the following properties:
· Information management system must produce an information, no data. Data should reasonably processing and analyse in accordance with predetermined plans, and only then can become useful information for managers.
· Data collected must be relevant to the force, which should be used. Data must be sensitive and must provide managers differential and comparison meaningful.
· Information should be impartial. They should not be assembled and analyzed only to confirm the prophecies of ambitious managers.
· System should be understandable and overview. Workers responsible for deciding should regard all important elements or components of the system.
· Data must be made in time and would be available to the required decisions and actions.
· Data should be based on activities they should have an form of a synthesis that to relieve decision making process and not just passive to present the facts about the procedures.
· It is important that they are uniform and consistent and should provide indicators, which point of view may comparable internally – with performance and externally – with experience and results of other institutions.
· Components the data should be designed and assembled in respect of in advance objectives.
· Expected benefits to be obtained thanks to the information available, should exceed the cost of gathering and processing of such information.
a este druha cast, vopred dakujem velmi pekne:
To create an effective information management system

Create an information management system with the required characteristics above can be achieved by following these steps:
A. Diagnosis
No do not floss with the computer software, but with profit extraction, what data you need. Analyze the organizations objectives, its strategic plan, program requirements, the existing control system and its obligations given report.

B. Planning
Develop plan to design and install the system. Foreign your day to day schedule need of financial and other resources out. The unit will be responsible for each of development process and how each component of the organization will need to participates. This plan will provide senior management for approval.

C. Inventory of existing information
Find out what information is already available , as are their sources and their usefulness for needs identified in the diagnosis of the organization.

D. Concept
Decide what information real content will be included in the system. What information will load where the data will be assembled as they are arranged and stored and how will be presented.

E. The computer and software
Specify how the system will be automated and what types of software and hardware needed. You should enable to dictate the need for information requirements for hardware and software, and not that it was the opposite.

F. Testing
Test the proposed systems and procedures, preferably in one of organization. Testing allows current detect deficiencies and provide a concrete example to assist in implementing the system across the organization, as well as training future users of the system.

G. Education
Develop a training program for use of the system.
H. Implementation
Install the system in an ordered sequence of steps, each focusing on the same application or department. If possible, at the beginning of start a whole new system, they are concomitant with the existing system, but as soon as possible, to delete outdated of existing system.

I. Documentation and evaluation
Develop procedures and describe a flow system and computer storage programs.

It is very important and necessary to realize the design and installation of new or revised information management system disturbs the balance of the entire system in motion various forces at least disintegrate and balance throughout the organization.
On the one hand , the availability of relevant information can raise the quality of decision, but on the other hand, it may also challenge the functioning of the existing authorities traditional methods. However, there are natural consequences of organizational change and the need to manage their sensitively.


Like other organizational resource and information management required. Information management system provides a structured way to analyzed, display and to present information to facilitate planning, decision- making.
Determining what information is needed is a fundamental first step in framing information management system, It is important to governet by the questions the head executives corresponding. Outline of a comprehensive information management system requires a gradual process , which preffered data requirements necessary before after the power of computer hardware and software.
Building information management system is not only a matter of her information technology , the computer memory system and rebuilding accounting systems. It is all about motivating people and organizational services, communication between them, their creativity and ability to adapt to changes in an organization.
prosim skontroluje mi to niekto?velmi pekne dakujem
Prepac, toto je už aj vzhladom na moj volny cas velmi vela... :(
prosim Vas nikto mi to neprebehne, ci to je ok?
prosim Vas nikto sa mi na to nepozrie?
Nemčina -kontrola textu
Prosím Vás potrebujem skontrolovať správnosť textu .má to byť odkaz do schránky ,z dovodu že som domácich nezastihol doma a kontaktovať ma možu na hotely.Ďakujem
Hallo Freunde,Sie sind bestimt überast ,dass ich an Ihr diese Nachricht schreibe .Ich habe eine Dienstvertrag im deiner Stadt.Um fünfzehn Uhr hielt ich an,aber tarff ich niemand zu Hause an.Ich wurde morgen abend warten an im Hotel Zentrum,wo wir mögen absteigen .Wenn Sie werden keine Zeit haben ,rufen mir an am telefon nummer xxx und vorschlage anders Termin zur Treffen.Ich freue mich auf unsere baldige Wiedersehen. Tschüs