Dobry vecer, velmi pekne by som Vas chcela poprosit o pomoc s abstraktom. Uz som si ho prelozila, ale nakolko som si pri niektorych vetach nebola ista, chcelo by to este kontrolu profesionala. Prikladam svoj preklad a ak bude treba tak dolozim pre porovnanie slovensku verziu. Vopred velmi pekne dakujem za Vas cas.

The theme of this thesis is a defense of poetry and art in poetic and journalistic work of Laco Novomeský. The main objective is to present arguments, which Novomeský advocates of freedom creation and art in a complicated period of the twentieth century. Through confrontation selected articles and poems we are traying the extent of fulfillment of the ideal of poetry presented by Novomeský. The concept of thesis is governed by the chronology of literary, cultural and political action in a specified period of years 1924 – 1949. The first chapter covers general information about the status of artist at the time, briefly approaching the historical events, that influenced the development of literature and art. The next chapters are already concrete rekonstruction of Novomeského poetry, his opinions about aesthetics designs for work, but also about his social function. There are highlighted important Novomeského statements on literature , which have become key arguments in his defense of poetry and art.
Tu je este ta slovenska verzia

Témou tejto bakalárskej práce je obrana poézie a umenia v básnickom a publicistickom diele Laca Novomeského. Hlavným cieľom bolo poukázať na argumenty, ktorými Novomeský obhajuje slobodu tvorby a umenia v komplikovanom období dvadsiateho storočia. Prostredníctvom konfrontácie vybraných článkov a básní sme zisťovali mieru naplnenia ideálu poézie, prezentovaného Novomeským. Koncepcia práce sa riadi chronológiou jeho literárneho, kultúrneho a politického pôsobenia vo vymedzenom období rokov 1924 – 1949. Prvá kapitola zahŕňa všeobecné informácie o štatúte umelca v danom období, stručne približuje kľúčové historické udalosti, ktoré podmienili vývoj literatúry a umenia. Nasledujúce kapitoly sú už konkrétnou rekonštrukciou Novomeského poetiky, jeho názorov na estetické uspôsobenie diela, ale aj na jeho spoločenskú funkčnosť. V závere práce sme dospeli ku komplexnému obrazu básnikovej individuality. Sú v ňom zdôraznené dôležité Novomeského vyjadrenia o literatúre, ktoré sa stali kľúčovými argumentmi v jeho obrane poézie a umenia.
Pokúsim sa opraviť niektoré chyby, možno niekto nájde aj ďalšie. :)

The theme of this thesis is defence of poetry and art in poetic and journalistic work of Laco Novomeský. The main objective is to present arguments that Novomeský uses to advocate freedom of creation and art in a complicated period of the twentieth century. Via confrontation of selected articles and poems we were finding the extent to which the ideal of poetry presented by Novomeský has been fulfilled. The concept of thesis is governed by the chronology of his literary, cultural and political activities in a specified period of 1924 – 1949. The first chapter covers general information about the status of the artist at that time, briefly approaching the historical events that influenced the development of literature and art. The next chapters are already concrete reconstruction of Novomesky´s poetry, his opinions about aesthetics design of work, but also about its social function. It contains highlighted important Novomesky´s statements on literature, which have become key arguments in his defence of poetry and art.
Jee tak predsa sa niekto ozval. DAKUJEM, vedela som, ze tam je kopec chyb