Prosim o preklad par vied z prace z anglictiny - medicina - moc by mi to pomohlo. Je to o rotavirusovych infekciach - a toto tu je cast v ktorej sa popisuje charakteristika. Tu je text:

The crypt epithelium lines the crypts and is the progenitor of the villus enterocytes. Crypt cells lack the well-defined microvilli and absorptive functions of the enterocyte and actively secrete Cl− ions into the intestinal lumen. In the normal animal, the combined activity of the enterocytes and crypt cells results in a constant bidirectional flux of electrolytes and water across the epithelium. On the villi, the balance is toward absorption, and in the crypts, the balance favors secretion

AK by niekto prelozil, aspon zhruba - bola by som vdacna. Dakujem.
Andy Kralik
Z epitelu krýpt vystieľajúceho krypty sa tvoria enterocyty klkov. Bunkám krýpt chýbajú úplne vyvinuté mikroklky (mikrovily), nemajú absorbčné schopnosti enterocytov a aktívne secernujú cholridové jóny do lúmenu čreva. U normálnych zvierat vedie kombinácia aktivity enterocytov a kryptových buniek ku konštatntnému obojsmernému toku elektrolytov a vody cez epitel. Na klkoch je rovnováha posunutá smerom k absorbcii, kým v kryptách prevažuje sekrécia.

Približne.. Zhruba.. Bez záruky, keďže nie je k dispozícii celý text.. Ale s rotavírusmi aspon tento text nič spoločné nemá.
dobry den, potreboval by som preložit tiež pár viet:
The end is near whether in the hand of nature or the worlds dictator's either way this is a mans last words before the end....later
the men cries with red eyes and a enraged mind as he sits back and watches his world die their leaving him he has no life no love nothing but hope and faith to the man above yet him who sends white doves doesnt listen as he turns away from the people he loved the most now the men is lost and a ghost looking for the right but only seeing the negatives looking for the light but becomes blinded by fright the world is cold and this man is all alone he doest not seek happiness but and end to his race