ON this overview will find the you transports you did for us but whose waybilis,cmr we have not yet received.OF course the reason for that might be that you still have to invoice us for these transports -as you know the waybillis-originals,not kopie-shouldalways be attached to the invoice on which you charge us for the transports in qeustions.Howevwr it you already did invoice us these transports and the waybillis for whatetever reason ,are not yet in our possesion ,we would like you to please send us these waybilli onoe again. Last but certainly not least :please always mention our reference number on the waybilli.We thank you in advance for you cooperation.

Prosím Vás kto tomu rozumiete,lebo aj prekladač nerozumie.Je to odpoved na fa.Dakujem
Skratka - vy ste prepravca a zakaznim vam poslal zoznam preprav, ku ktorym mu chybaju prepravne listky a ziada vas o zaslanie tychto listkov + aby ste vzdy uvadzali ich referencne cisla na prepravne listky. Maju tam plno preklepov, preto prekladac nestiha...
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