



The Bulking Stack: Test E, Deca, and DBol

Deca and Dbol have been long considered the best cycle for bulking. The stack was traditionally used to bulk up and gain muscle mass. It can also be used to increase body fat for cutting.


It's a fact we at JBHNews repeated a million times and it is still true. Testosterone is the king. It is the foundation upon which all other cycles are built. Without testosterone, any compound will result in hormone levels similar to those of a female. Testosterone Enanthate has a slower action. It has a 7-10 day half-life so it needs to be administered less often to maintain stable blood levels. This makes it a better option for beginners who don't like needles or do not want to inject every day. If properly used, injections should be done every 3.5 days on Mondays and Thursdays. The average user of testosterone enanthate should take 400mg per week and 800mg per week. Cycles should not exceed 10 weeks because of the time required to reach peak levels. Advanced users can take over 1000mg per week. However, it is not possible to reach those levels without a lot more cycle experience. Longer estered testosterones like testosterone enanthate are known to cause more estrogen/aromatization side effects due to higher peak values over the course of the cycle. It is important to take proper AI/SERM precautions.


For years, Deca has been the preferred compound for bodybuilding and test/tren dbol bulking among steroid users. Deca is a 19 -nor compound. It is made from the same cloth that trenbolone. It shares many of the same problems as Tren. Deca, a 19-nor, is liver toxic. Although it does not aromatize well, deca can cause an increase in progestin levels. Deca can cause libido problems due to its progestin-raising ability. Proper progestin/anti-estrogen drugs should be used to make sure you keep you from experiencing libido issues. The first dose of Deca will also shut down natural testosterone almost immediately. Deca is an anabolic with strong affinity to the androgen receptor. It will increase both nitrogen retention as well as igf levels. Deca can cause water retention, but proper progestin drugs will keep it under control. Deca can also be used to treat joint problems by storing water within connective tissues and improving collagen synthesis/mineral contents. Low doses of the drug can have therapeutic effects. Deca should be taken at a dose of 400 to 600mg per week. Although deca ester has a shorter half-life, it is safe to inject deca once per week. However, twice weekly is the best. Deca is suppressive and it is recommended that hcg should be used in conjunction with deca.


Dbol can be found in pill form. Dbol, like winstrol is an oral 17aa steroid. 17aa orals must be made in a way that they can survive the first liver pass. Dbol is almost as toxic to the liver as winny, unfortunately. Dbol can also lead to hypertension, a rise in blood pressure. You should monitor your blood pressure regularly. Dbol does not have the best binding ability with the androgen receptor, so most of its effects are secondary. Dbol can suppress natural testosterone production. A Dbol-only cycle is a good option for those who are just starting to use steroids. Dbol can suppress your natural testosterone production, which makes your levels look more feminine. It is best to use it in a cycle that includes testosterone as the base. Dbol is as powerful as anadrol but will have different effects for everyone due to the differing dosages. Dbol is known for its ability to kickstart cycles. Dbol's ability to quickly increase weight is evident and many people start using it within the first six weeks of their cycle. The recommended daily dose is between 20 and 100mg, but beginners should not exceed 50mg.

The Cycle

Let's create a cycle that will allow you to use these compounds together for the first time. This is not a beginner cycle. Stacking multiple compounds in the same cycle can cause side effects and leave you wondering where the problem came from.

Testosterone Enanthate 300mg twice weekly Week 1-12steroid stack
Deca 200mg twice per week Week 1-12
Dbol 30-50mg per day Week 1-6
HCG 500iu a week (250iu twice a week) Week 1-12
