

obličkové kamene

chcela by som Vás poprosiť o pomoc, neviete náhodou nejaké ľudové recepty na likvidovanie obličkových kameňov?
Pravidlá a tipy
  • Každý móže napísať len 1 odpoveď. Neskor mozete svoju odpoveď vylepšiť.
  • Odpoveď má priniesť riešenie na otázku, vyvarujte sa hodnotenia otázky.
  • Odpoveď má byť viac o faktoch ako o názoroch.
Dalšie pravidla a tipy
    Ak potrebujete v otázke niečo upresniť, najskôr sa spýtajte na podrobnosti.
    Koncept slúži na uloženie rozpracovanej odpovede, koncept sa zobrazuje len Vám, až kým ho nezverejníte.
    Ak máte podobnú otázku, založte Novú otázku alebo Súvisiacu otázku.
    ❤ Buďte priateľskí ❤
    Sme súčasťou jednej komunity, ktorá si chce vzájomne pomáhať, rozdieľnosť je vítaná ak neubližuje!
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    syrik je offline (nepripojený) syrik

    halali Pozri príspevok
    chcela by som Vás poprosiť o pomoc, neviete náhodou nejaké ľudové recepty na likvidovanie obličkových kameňov?
    Myslím, že žiaden ľudový recept už existujúci kameň nezlikviduje...ak je maličký, možno sa dá vymočiť to je vynikajúce pivo....ale na prevenciu vzniku kameňov je dobré sa vyhýbať šumivým a bublinkovým nápojom, minerálkam...a nadmernému množstvu vápnika..

    Stina je offline (nepripojený) Stina

    pozri link :

    Vyskúšaj zápar z nasledujúcich bylín: 20 g koreňa sladovky hladkoplodej, 20 g koreňa púpavy, 20 g plodu petržlenu, 20 g vňate prietržníka a 50 g plodu bedrovníka anízového. Všetky byliny dobre premiešajte. Následne dajte variť liter vody a po zovretí pridajte dve polievkové lyžice zmesi. Nechajte lúhovať pol hodinu a pite pomaly ráno na lačno po dobu niekoľkých dní.

    Stina je offline (nepripojený) Stina

    Chren dôkladne očistíme, postrúhame a pretlačíme cez utierku alebo odšťavíme. Každé ráno nalačno pijeme 1 a štvrť decilitra šťavy, ktorú pre chuť môžeme zmiešať s inou, najlepšie zeleninovou šťavou. Kúra je účinná, ak šťavu pijeme aspoň 3 týždne.

    pasuliatko je offline (nepripojený) pasuliatko

    cholerický drak s váhavým srdcom alebo váhavý drak s cholerickým srdcom.... ?????? ...viac pasuliatko
    určite by som na tvojom mieste to neriešila takto ale išla za doktorom a poradila sa s ním ako dalej, on to vie lepšie. nehnevaj sa ale typ ludí ako si ty nikdy nepochopím

    Bionda je offline (nepripojený) Bionda

    som taká aká som Bionda
    na tie obličkové si pamätám, že náš primár doporučoval pivo
    inak existujú už hotové bylinné zmesy- čaje
    na tie žlčníkové - lekár, aby si sa nedožila hydropsu žlčníka alebo iné vážne zdravotné problémy.

    Jekyll je offline (nepripojený) Jekyll

    Konopáč obyčajný (Eupatorium purpureum) - to je základ liečby.

    Pridám jednu stránku z jednej dobrej bylinkárskej učebnice:
    Urinary Calculus

    Small hard masses somewhere in the urinary tract

    3% of all Americans will suffer from a kidney stone at some time in their life, and half of these people will suffer recurrences over the following ten or more years. It is thus a disease which touches a significant portion of the population. It rarely causes permanent loss of kidney function if properly treated, and is almost never fatal in the absence of complications.
    The most important kinds of kidney stone are calcium oxalate stones, calcium phosphate stones and uric acid stones. The vast majority contain calcium in some form. Exceptions to this are the uric acid stones, accounting for fewer than 10% of all stones.

    Normal urine contains predictable amounts of calcium, magnesium, uric acid, and other by-products of metabolism. Normally these substances are in solution and pass into the bladder. Under certain conditions of high saturation, and in a complex chemical environment that is not yet completely understood, the chemicals may crystallize and form a stone-like particle in the kidney. Once formed it stimulates continued crystallization. If the stone remains in the wide open spaces of the kidney, no symptoms may occur, although there may be microscopic signs of blood in the urine. Once a piece of the stone breaks off and enters the ureter leading to the bladder, prompt spasms occur, leading to the painful symptoms described below.

    An infection of the urinary tract can cause cellular debris to act as a focus or seed on which crystals can form. Bacterial action makes the urine more alkaline, resulting in the deposit of phosphates, which form calcium phosphate stones. Excessive uric acid, increased excretion of calcium by the kidney, combined with an increased insolubility of calcium in the urine, can also cause stones to form. Long-term confinement to bed or even a chronic lack of exercise may encourage mobilization of calcium from the bones into the blood and so increase calcium levels in the urine. Similarly, steroids can increase blood and urine calcium levels. An inherited disposition and excess weight can also predispose you to kidney stones.

    Several abnormalities can predispose to the formation of kidney stones.

    o Some individuals absorb excessive amounts of calcium form the intestines, overwhelming the ability of the kidney to dissolve it all.
    o Others absorb normal amounts, but the kidney allows too much to leak into the urine from the blood.
    o in others there is a production of a urine which is too acidic, allowing crystallization to occur too easily.
    o some 20% patients with calculus have no identifiable abnormality to explain the tendency.

    There are other diseases which cause calcium levels in the blood to rise, such as hyperparathyroidism and certain types of cancer. Kidney stones may then occur as a secondary phenomenon serving as the first clue to the underlying disease.
    The pain of a kidney stone comes on suddenly. Classically, there is severe, excruciating pain in the flank on the side of the stone, coming in waves, radiating around to the lower abdomen and into the groin, scrotum or vagina, and occasionally into the upper thigh area. The intensity is as severe as most people ever experience. There may or may not be blood in the urine. There may be nausea, vomiting, and profuse sweating. After anywhere from minutes to days or even longer, most stones pass into the bladder, and the pain is gone. The small, usually brown or black stone may be identified in the urine, and should be kept for analysis. If fever is present it may be from infection which has formed behind the stone in the stagnant urine.

    Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease ~

    Anti-lithics remedies are, of course, the core of any treatment of renal calculus.
    Anti-inflammatories are indicated to lessen the inflammation that will be caused by the passage of hard materiel along the delicate tissue of the whole system. Using such remedies will lesson the pain and discomfort to some degree.
    Anti-spasmodics are essential to help the body reduce muscular spasming along the urinary tract as peristalsis moves the stone. Unfortunately the legal plant anti-spasmodics are not strong enough to deal with the problem in acute cases.

    Demulcents will help here as they are usually also anti-inflammatories in this system.

    System support ~
    Help must be given to the Urinary system because it is the focus of trauma, but also consider help for stress (because of pain) and anything else that is indicated in the patients symptom picture or medical history.

    Specific remedies ~
    There are a number of plants that have a long tradition of use as specifics in Europe. Important examples are:

    Hydrangea Parsley Piert Pellitory of the Wall Couch Grass Nettles Golden Rod

    To these can be added the following North American plants:

    Gravel Root Stone Root Corn Silk

    One possible prescription ~
    Collinsonia canadensis
    Eupatorium purpureum
    Zea mays
    Dioscorea villosa
    Viburnum prunifolium equal parts of tincture to 5ml
    taken 3 times a day.

    1 cup of an infusion of Urtica dioica to be drunk 3 times a day.

    This combination supplies the following actions ~

    o diuretic (Collinsonia canadensis, Eupatorium purpureum, Zea mays)
    o demulcent (Zea mays)
    o anti-lithic (Collinsonia canadensis, Eupatorium purpureum)
    o antispasmodic (Dioscorea villosa, Viburnum prunifolium, Zea mays)

    Broader context of treatment ~

    o Profuse sweating or a low fluid intake can make the urine more concentrated, causing urinary salts to solidify and stones to form. Avoid dehydration especially after exercise, but even during routine days, by the ingestion of copious amounts of fluid. Drink 4 to 6 pts of fluid a day and 1 pt of fluid before going to bed. Drink enough to ensure that twenty-four hour urine output is never less than 3 pts. Ideally, the patient should be drinking enough to cause routine awakening at night to urinate.

    o Uric acid stones: Here the urine will be acid. To dissolve these stones, eat an alkaline diet, including potatoes, vegetables and fruit (not citrus). Reduce your protein intake, since eating protein tends to increase uric-acid levels. In particular, avoid liver, kidneys, fishroe and sardines. Also, drink alkalinizing mineral water.
    o Calcium oxalate stones: avoid foods containing oxalates, such as spinach, rhubarb, beet, parsley, sorrel, and chocolate. Those who have a tendency to form oxalate stones often secrete too much calcium in their urine, which reacts with oxalic acids to form the stones. For this reason it is also advisable to restrict dairy products which are rich in calcium. Drink mineral waters that are rich in magnesium to increase the solubility of calcium. Both Vitamin B6 and folic acid are thought to restrict the amount of calcium formed in the body.

    o Calcium phosphate stones: are usually formed when there is a urinary infection. The urine is alkaline, so eat foods to acidify the urine such as meat, fish, and eggs. However, avoid dairy products.

    The herbalist by David Hoffman, (c)1993 David Hoffman, Hopkins Technology

    DanielaSL je offline (nepripojený) DanielaSL

    Mama troch dospelých detí DanielaSL
    halali Pozri príspevok
    chcela by som Vás poprosiť o pomoc, neviete náhodou nejaké ľudové recepty na likvidovanie obličkových kameňov?
    Nepomôže určite nič... mne zistili snáď 7-8 rokov dozadu jeden veľmi maličký zakliesnený kamienok. Ani "lomikamene" ...ani pivo...ani žiadne iné babské recepty nezabrali. Je stále tam....ani by som o ňom nevedela, keby mi ho zakaždým lekár na ultrazvuku nevidel. Najprv som myslela, že vďaka užívaniu rôznych tých preparátov aspoň sa nezväčšuje...ale potom som to vzdala...a on nerastie aj tak. Takže.... väčšie kamene si nechať v nemocnici rozbiť a menšie, čo sa rozbiť nedajú....možno sa niekedy vyplavia.

    Denisa je offline (nepripojený) Denisa

    optimista Denisa
    Melónová kúra

    Najlepšie v lete v dobe sezóny. Musíte sa zásobiť melónami a čiernym chlebom. Toto jedlo budete jesť týždeň. Chcete jesť? Vezmite si chleba. Máte chuť sa napiť? Zoberte si melón. Máte veľký hlad? Zoberte si melón s chlebom.
    - V dobe očisty je dobré, aby doma bol niekto blízky. Je možné, keď z vás začne vycházať piesok a kamienky, môže vás prepadnúť srdcová nevolnosť. ( veď ide o malú operáciu, ale bez noža )
    - Ak sú v ľadvinách a močovom mechúri kamene, potom najvhodnejšia dobana ich vypudenie je čas medzi 17. a 21. hodinou
    - Práve v tejto dobe sa prejavuje bioritmus ľadvín a močového mechúra. V týchto hodinách si doprajte teplý kúpeľ a jedzte veľa melóna. Teplo rozširuje močové cesty, odstraňuje bolesti a krče ( obzvlášť keď vychádzajú kamene ). Melón zvýši produkciu moču, zlepší premývanie a bioritmus, pridá potrebnú silu ku strhnutiu a vypudeniu piesku a kameňov.
    Túto očistu môžeme prevádzať 2 – 3 týždne, až sa dopracujeme ku žiadanému výsledku.

    latrab je offline (nepripojený) latrab

    citron, petržlen-rozmixovať, citron zo šupkou, med, javorový sirup-všetko zmiešať...užívať 3x denne pol. lyžicu---po mesiaci kontrola..sono na urologii-ak kamene nezmizli, pokračovať

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