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Píšem bakalársku prácu a musím ju dať zajtra zviazať. Potrebujem Vašu pomoc so súhrnom. Neviem či som ho dobre preložila.
Tu je môj súhrn v slovenčine:
,,Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je popísať, zhodnotiť a analyzovať motivačné stimuly zamestnancov v konkrétnom podniku a na základe výsledkov z prieskumu navrhnúť vhodné nástroje a opatrenia na zlepšenie nedostatkov. Práca je rozdelená do 4 kapitol a obsahuje 9 grafov, 4 tabuľky, 4 obrázky a 2 prílohy. Prvá kapitola bola venovaná základným pojmom, teóriám pracovnej motivácie a možnostiam zvyšovania motivácie zamestnancov. V druhej kapitole sme charakterizovali a analyzovali motiváciu zamestnancov v podnikoch. V ďalšej časti sme charakterizovali výskumný problém, ciele, metódy, výskumnú vzorku a stanovili sme hypotézy. Výsledky prieskumu poukázali na nedostatky v systéme motivácie a v poslednej kapitole boli východiskom pre navrhnuté riešenia a opatrenia, ktoré sme priniesli pre zlepšenie systému motivácie v spoločnosti. Za hlavný prínos tejto práce považujeme analýzu prieskumu a odporúčania z nej vyvodené. ,,

V angličtine:
,,The aim of this thesis is describe, review and analyze the motivational incentives of employees in a particular company and on the basis of survey results propose the appropriate tools and measures to improve deficiencies. The work is divided in 4 parts and involves 9 graphs, 4 schedules, 4 pictures, and 2 annexes. The first chapter describes basic concepts, theory of work motivation and opportunities for improving motivation of employees. In the second chapter we describe and analyze the motivation of employees in enterprises. In the next section, we describe the research problem, targets, methods, research sample and we have set sample hypothesis. The survey results pointed to weaknesses in the motivation system and in the last chapter these results were the basis for proposed solutions and measures which we brought for improving the current system of motivation in the company. The main contribution of this work is in analysis of the survey and recommendations drawn from it.,,

Za Vašu pomoc veľmi ďakujem
Naposledy upravil dabii : 31.05.10 at 11:13
Pravidlá a tipy
  • Každý móže napísať len 1 odpoveď. Neskor mozete svoju odpoveď vylepšiť.
  • Odpoveď má priniesť riešenie na otázku, vyvarujte sa hodnotenia otázky.
  • Odpoveď má byť viac o faktoch ako o názoroch.
Dalšie pravidla a tipy
    Ak potrebujete v otázke niečo upresniť, najskôr sa spýtajte na podrobnosti.
    Koncept slúži na uloženie rozpracovanej odpovede, koncept sa zobrazuje len Vám, až kým ho nezverejníte.
    Ak máte podobnú otázku, založte Novú otázku alebo Súvisiacu otázku.
    ❤ Buďte priateľskí ❤
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    Usporiadať podľa času

    barancik je offline (nepripojený) barancik

    ,,The aim of this thesis is to describe, review and analyze the motivational incentives of employees in a particular company and, on the basis of survey results, to propose appropriate tools and measures to improve deficiencies. The work is divided into 4 parts and involves 9 graphs, 4 schedules, 4 pictures, and 2 annexes. The first chapter describes basic concepts, theory of work motivation and opportunities for improving motivation of employees. In the second chapter, we describe and analyze the motivation of employees in enterprises. In the next section, we describe the research problem, targets, methods, research sample and we have set sample hypothesis. The survey results pointed to weaknesses in the motivation system and in the last chapter these results were the basis for proposed solutions and measures which we brought for improving the current system of motivation in the company. The main contribution of this work is an analysis of the survey and recommendations drawn from it.,

    Prípadne použiť niečo z mojej verzie:
    “The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe, evaluate and analyze drives for motivating employees in a specific enterprise and to propose appropriate tools and actions based on the results derived from the survey in order to improve the existing deficiencies. This paper is divided into 4 chapters and includes 9 diagrams, 4 tables, 4 figures and 2 annexes. The first chapter deals with basic definitions, areas of working motivation and options to enhance motivation of employees. In the second chapter, we characterize and analyze the motivation of employees in enterprises. The next chapter addresses the issue, objectives and method of investigation, describes the investigation sample and establishes the hypothesis. The survey results have shown deficiencies in the motivation system and, in the last chapter, they are used as a basis for the proposed solutions and actions to improve motivation within the enterprise. We consider the survey analysis and the recommendations derived from it to be the main contribution of this paper.,,

    pozn.: bez nazetia do práce je pomerne náročné pre nezainteresovaného zvoliť naprimeranejšie termíny


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