

Katka1010 Katka1010

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a este druha cast, vopred dakujem velmi pekne:
To create an effective information management system

Create an information management system with the required characteristics above can be achieved by following these steps:
A. Diagnosis
No do not floss with the computer software, but with profit extraction, what data you need. Analyze the organizations objectives, its strategic plan, program requirements, the existing control system and its obligations given report.

B. Planning
Develop plan to design and install the system. Foreign your day to day schedule need of financial and other resources out. The unit will be responsible for each of development process and how each component of the organization will need to participates. This plan will provide senior management for approval.

C. Inventory of existing information
Find out what information is already available , as are their sources and their usefulness for needs identified in the diagnosis of the organization.

D. Concept
Decide what information real content will be included in the system. What information will load where the data will be assembled as they are arranged and stored and how will be presented.

E. The computer and software
Specify how the system will be automated and what types of software and hardware needed. You should enable to dictate the need for information requirements for hardware and software, and not that it was the opposite.

F. Testing
Test the proposed systems and procedures, preferably in one of organization. Testing allows current detect deficiencies and provide a concrete example to assist in implementing the system across the organization, as well as training future users of the system.

G. Education
Develop a training program for use of the system.
H. Implementation
Install the system in an ordered sequence of steps, each focusing on the same application or department. If possible, at the beginning of start a whole new system, they are concomitant with the existing system, but as soon as possible, to delete outdated of existing system.

I. Documentation and evaluation
Develop procedures and describe a flow system and computer storage programs.

It is very important and necessary to realize the design and installation of new or revised information management system disturbs the balance of the entire system in motion various forces at least disintegrate and balance throughout the organization.
On the one hand , the availability of relevant information can raise the quality of decision, but on the other hand, it may also challenge the functioning of the existing authorities traditional methods. However, there are natural consequences of organizational change and the need to manage their sensitively.


Like other organizational resource and information management required. Information management system provides a structured way to analyzed, display and to present information to facilitate planning, decision- making.
Determining what information is needed is a fundamental first step in framing information management system, It is important to governet by the questions the head executives corresponding. Outline of a comprehensive information management system requires a gradual process , which preffered data requirements necessary before after the power of computer hardware and software.
Building information management system is not only a matter of her information technology , the computer memory system and rebuilding accounting systems. It is all about motivating people and organizational services, communication between them, their creativity and ability to adapt to changes in an organization.
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Katka1010 Katka1010

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Katka1010 Katka1010

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prosim Vas nikto mi to neprebehne, ci to je ok?
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Katka1010 Katka1010

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prosim Vas nikto sa mi na to nepozrie?
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Prosím Vás potrebujem skontrolovať správnosť textu .má to byť odkaz do schránky ,z dovodu že som domácich nezastihol doma a kontaktovať ma možu na hotely.Ďakujem
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